
We began operating in the construction and public works industry in 1963, through the entrepreneurship of our founder, José Guilherme Jorge da Costa.

Our Portuguese origins led us to play an active role in the development of Portugal and the Autonomous Regions of Azores and Madeira, through the construction of several key infrastructures, which contributed to the mobility, progress and development of our country.

The last decades, which have been very dynamic, competitive and transformational for the sector, have led us to reinforce our skills and know-how, increase our capacity and the scope of our activity, and diversify to other business areas and geographical markets.

We currently operate in Portugal, Africa, Central and Latin America, in construction and engineering, the manufacture of construction materials, the environment and infrastructure and real estate concessions.

We are selective in our search for new opportunities and markets, developing products and services that contribute to the Group’s sustainability, by addressing the demands of our times on a global scale.

With a human capital comprised of different age groups, perceptions and experiences, we are a cohesive group that is committed to the development and success of its ventures. We are equally committed to social responsibility, through our policy to promote quality, safety, environmental care, and personal integration and potential.

We are ready to face any challenge, in Portugal and in the world, in the various business areas in which we operate.

Get to know us better:

Share Capital:

133 000 000.00 Euros

Governing Bodies:

President – José Guilherme Jorge da Costa

Director – Luís Guilherme Canas da Costa

Director – João Guilherme Canas da Costa

Director – Vítor Manuel Canas Cardoso

Director – Joaquim Carlos Vieira Rodrigues Martins

Statutory Auditor: MAZARS & ASSOCIADOS, Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, S.A., represented by Luís Filipe Soares Gaspar

Alternate Statutory Auditor: Olivier Manaças Pilot Debienne