Press Release Covid19
Dear Tecnovia Employees, Customers, Partners and Suppliers
Tecnovia has almost 6 decades of existence and, in its history, it has lived through several challenging moments, of the most different natures.
The moment that we face with the rampant spread of the pandemic of the new Coronavirus – Covid19, has no parallel with the past challenges, being only certain that it will affect our lives (private and business), in a way and amplitude, that we still don’t know.
Being an unusual situation, it demands from us all an appropriate attitude, responsibility and civic conscience, guided by common sense, lucidity and maximum prudence.
It is necessary, at the moment we face, to adjust to reality, to be prepared and do our best, to protect ourselves.
At the same time, we must not forget our impactful role in the economy of the countries where we operate and in the economy and life of all those who interact with the Tecnovia Group, namely our employees and their families, our customers, suppliers and other partners, for this reason, we must remain committed, as far as possible, in order to guarantee the fulfillment and continuity of the execution of our contracts.
Tecnovia has been carefully monitoring the evolution of this situation, and continues to follow the recommendations of government authorities, with the utmost concern to continue to preserve the safety and health of our employees and other partners.
In addition to government recommendations, we implemented contingency plans, released internal contagion prevention campaigns, as well as implemented various preventive measures, aimed at ensuring that all of our workplaces are safe, and that the risk of eventual contagion by Covid- 19, be minimized.
We have a work team focused on implementing these measures, of which we highlight: (i) the reinforcement of hygiene and cleaning of the company’s work spaces and social areas, (ii) the adoption of measures aimed at ensuring the dispersion of Employees, especially in closed places, (iii) the permission, whenever possible, to provide the activity to some of our employees, via telework, (iv) the creation of isolation areas and (v) the availability of equipment for individual protection for the purpose.
In this difficult time it is essential the understanding and collaboration of all, so that, together, we can do our best to overcome this situation and ensure that our lives will continue, with the least possible damage, after Covid19.
United we will make a difference in the fight against this important challenge!
Tecnovia SGPS Board of Directors