Tecnovia Angola begins the construction of the Reformulation of the Samba Node / Pedro de Castro Avenue Van-Dúnem Loy

The implementation of the traffic diversions required to carry out the works for the redesign of the Samba Node / Av. Pedro de Castro Van-Dúnem Loy started on february first.

The future interection between Samba road and Van-Dúnem Loy Avenue consists uneven of the Van-Dúnem Loy Avenue, through the construction of two independent tunnels with two-way traffic and by the construction of a roundabout , with great radius of curvature.

The adopted solution will allow a high fluidity af traffic, allowing drivers leaving Benfica, in the Golf 2 direction and vice versa, to pass through the tunnels, avoiding crossing with vehicles that leave Talatona and Samba, that will circulate by the road through the upper roundabout.
The design-construction work assigned by the Ministry of Construction and Public Works to Tecnovia Angola on July 18, 2017, estimated at more than US $ 55 million, will have a construction period of two years.

The traffic diversions necessary for the construction of the work were implemented in order to minimize the impact on local traffic.

