Tecnovia “Grows with You” – Zaire

Committed to the promotion and development of education for children and young people in the countries where we operate, we supported the start of the school year in Zaire Province, in Angola, in a continuation of the “Tecnovia Angola Grows with You” project.

On 1 February 2017, more than 6 million students began the new school year in Angola. In Zaire Province, 250 new classrooms were inaugurated.

Since we operate in Zaire Province, we joined the inauguration event for the new school year, delivering over 100 school kits and 100 social kits to students at a school in the municipality of Tomboco.

This initiative, was coordinated by Luís Mota at Tecnovia Angola, together with the Governor of Zaire (GPZ), José Joanes André, the Education Director Dr. Kita António, and the Vice-Governor for the GPZ Financial Area, as well as other representatives of the Angolan government, teachers and other school staff.

We promote and participate in these types of actions with the aim of improving resources for Angolan children and young people, encouraging them to stay in school and focus on their development since children are the future of any country.
