Tecnovia sponsors the 4th International Conference “Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment”

Tecnovia is a golden sponsor of the 4th International Conference “Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment“, an event organized by the National Civil Engineering Laboratory, which will take place at the LNEC on 11 and 12 October 2018 in Lisbon.
Bringing together experts from around the world in the field of recycling of construction and demolition waste (CDW), the congress includes various presentations, working groups and a roundtable.
The increase in world population, which is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, the demand for construction materials, the need to protect the environment, the implementation of circular economy solutions, is an opportunity to change consumption patterns in the construction industry, so that construction and construction materials of today become the resources of tomorrow.
Recycling continues to face important challenges, and this congress intends to disseminate and debate the latest developments in the processing, characterization and application of recovered materials (CDW), in order to strengthen its production, foster confidence in its use and, consequently, stimulating their market demand.
Tecnovia has adopted a policy of valuing construction and demolition waste (RCD), as a producer of building materials, producing recycled aggregates and bituminous mixtures recovered in their industrial centers; valuing CDW from wood as fuel in asphalt plants; or implementing solutions CDW solutions in paving projects.
The increase of constructive solutions that favor the use of recycled materials in the construction environment, the increase in confidence in the use of these materials, the promotion of a circular economy and the reduction of the ecological footprint are part of the sustainability strategy followed by Tecnovia.
Click here for the Congress website