Centre of Santa Cruz das Flores Constructions, Tecnovia Azores, Infrastructure and Urban Reclassification
Stabilisation of the Slope Above the Town of Povoação Constructions, Tecnovia Azores, Geotechnics and Pre-Stressing
Lagoa das Furnas shoreline restoration Constructions, Tecnovia Azores, Building - Construction and Renovation, Environmental
Above-ground Parking Structure Located on Rua do Castilho, Matriz – Ponta Delgada Building - Construction and Renovation, Constructions, Tecnovia Azores
Construction of the new AKI Store in Ponta Delgada Constructions, Tecnovia Azores, Building - Construction and Renovation
Domingos Sequeira School Tecnovia, Constructions, Tecnovia Azores, Building - Construction and Renovation