Stabilisation of excavation slopes along the A1 Motorway Tecnovia, Constructions, Geotechnics and Pre-Stressing
Pre-Stressing of deck beams – Pumangol Viaduct Tecnovia, Constructions, Tecnovia Angola, Special Projects, Geotechnics and Pre-Stressing
Slope Stabilisation Chichaoua-Argana Motorway Special Projects, T Internacional – Morocco, Geotechnics and Pre-Stressing, Tecnovia, Constructions
Stabilisation of the Slope Above the Town of Povoação Constructions, Tecnovia Azores, Geotechnics and Pre-Stressing
Slope consolidation along the ER 222 – Ponta do Sol Constructions, Tecnovia Madeira, Geotechnics and Pre-Stressing
Treatment of unstable slopes Linha do Sul [Southern Line] Constructions, Railways, Geotechnics and Pre-Stressing, Tecnovia